Wayfare Wednesdays! A Travelogue of Ports Unknown! Scotland Day Three

Ahoy there me mateys!  Welcome to the newest installment on me Log, Wayfare Wednesdays!  As ye scalawags know, yer Captain always be spending me time dreaming of the next far off ports and searching of a good adventure.  So I thought I would give the crew some insight into the fascinating people, places, and things I saw while ye all were wallowing in port in some filthy tavern, swilling grog, and missin’ the sights.  Ye know in case ye miscreants ever get the chance to plunder visit these destinations in the future . . .

way·​fare |  ˈwāˌfa(a)|(ə)r-ˌfe|

 archaic : an act or course of journeying (source)

As some of ye may know, I recently had a line on a rumor of a bit of Viking treasure, Scottish ruins, and Elizabethan artifacts.  The sea was a’ calling.  So off I went.  After eighteen days of adventurin’ in Iceland, Norway, Scotland, and England, I be back to share me tales.  I shall be splittin’ these stories into several installments due to yer befuddled, swill-saturated noggins.  The first foray was Iceland then Norway.  Next stop – Scotland!

If ye missed day one of Iceland click here.  For day two of Iceland click here.

For day one of Norway (Bergen) click here. For day two of Norway (Geirangr) click hereFor day three of Norway (Lofoten) click hereFor day four of Norway (Tromsø) click here.  For day five of Norway (Honningsvåg) click here.

For day one of Scotland (Shetland Islands) click here.  For day two of Scotland (Orkney Islands) click here.

Scotland was the land of castles, history, and lovely scenery.  We (me and the ma) spent three full days there.  The third day was Edinburgh, the Scottish capital.  It was weird to be back to a populated center after all the small villages and towns we had been to.  Plus the Queen was in residence so there were tours that had to be cancelled because of that.  But we still saw plenty:

The Harbour

At the dock. we were greeted by the Newhaven Lighthouse and a bagpiper.




Fettes College

A super cool looking school.


New Town

This “new” town was built between 1767 and 1850.  It still has a lot of the original neo-classical and Georgian period architecture.dsc_0317



Calton Hill

With many of the roads blocked off for the Queen’s annual garden party, we headed to this hill in the city center to see some of the sights we couldn’t get close to.  The views of the city were lovely.  I paricularly liked the unfinished “National Monument” and the Nelson Monument.





Royal Mile

This cobblestone street is part of Old Town and runs between Edinburgh Castle and the Palace of Hollyroodhouse.  One of me favourite parts of this road are all the closes or alleyways that led off of the Mile.  I tried to go into as many of the closes as I could.  The buildings here be awesome but it is certainly tourist central.






Edinburgh Castle

This castle dates from the 12th century.  This place was packed and the lines were so long and time so limited that we ended up not visiting a lot of the castle.







Greyfriars Bobby

Bobby was a famous dog “Skye Terrier who became known in 19th-century Edinburgh for spending 14 years guarding the grave of his owner until he died himself on 14 January 1872.”



Keep a weathered eye out for more of me wayfare adventures.  Next stop England!  Arrrr!

x The Captain

Side note:  The Wayfair Wednesday featured image (source) is of two sailing vessels “dressed overall” with their international signal flags.  Signal flags are the flags used to contact other ships.  Well unless ye be a pirate in which case the Jolly Roger and yer cannons speak well enough.  A ship dressed overall “consists of stringing international maritime signal flags on a ship from stemhead to masthead, from masthead to masthead and then down to the taffrail. It is a sign of celebration, and is done for occasions, anniversaries, and events, whether national, local or personal.”  (source)  Well, Wayfare Wednesday is certainly a celebration, occasion, and event no matter how ye look at it.  Arrrrr!

17 thoughts on “Wayfare Wednesdays! A Travelogue of Ports Unknown! Scotland Day Three

  1. Edinburgh is beautiful but so busy with tourists! In my political youth, we used to hold marches up Calton Hill to protest about… well, about anything really!… and listen to firebrand speakers at the top. And then off to sample some of the thousands of pubs around the city… happy days! 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I have to admit that I am not a fan of tourists even when I am one. I think listening to speakers with the monuments in the background would be awesome. I did love being able to be in pubs again. Us stupid americans do not know how to do drinking/hang out establishments correctly. Thanks for the lovely comment.
      x The Captain

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Scotland looks absolutely amazing. I would have loved to go to school somewhere as cool as Fettes College looks. (Though I don’t know that I was really ready for that kind of travel in my college years. Alas.) Pity you didn’t get to see as much because the Queen was in residence, but it looks like you still saw quite a bit!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I have no regrets. We saw quite a bit. The Ma and I literally wandered, got lost, and saw things. I did the same when I studied abroad in London. There were no digital cameras then. I can’t decide if that was awesome because we just lived our experiences without trying to “capture” them or sad because I would like photos to look back on. I go back and forth.
      x The Captain


      1. I have film camera pictures from some of my younger adventures, and while I love having the memories, I am jealous of the current generation of young people that they will know immediately if their (digital) pictures are any good. So many of my memories are recorded only in blurry, off-center, and generally pretty horrible photos. But don’t get me wrong, I’m still glad to have the photos.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. On this trip the Ma was annoyed because I took a billion photos of everything. I know I can check on the screen and see if they be good. I just don’t want to stop to check and miss something else. And I do admit that I tend to keep a lot of the off-center and blurry ones even with a digital camera. I like the weird photos too cause unexpected things happen sometimes.
        x The Captain


      3. Granted, the weird photos can be neat too. I do love knowing right away though if I’ll want to re-take a photo. Luckily for me, my family all understands the shutter-bug aspect of me, because my whole family shares it. (Well, except Mr. Wyrm. He doesn’t really share it, but he finds it amusing in me, so that’s good enough I guess.)

        Liked by 1 person

      4. The First Mate and I love to take multiple cameras on trips to see the differences in what we choose to highlight. He is the better photographer in general. But I do get really good shots. Plus he is teaching me more about the fancy cameras and lens and things.
        x The Captain


      5. That’s fun! I used to be better with fancy cameras, and I still have one, but I have fallen out of the habit of using it (and don’t know all of the tricks on my new fancy camera the way I used to on my old one). It’s one of the downsides with phone cameras getting so good — single-purpose cameras aren’t used as much as they once were. Still, I will bring both types on vacation, and it’s fun to see how the shots turn out differently. Also, Mr. Wyrm might not have photography in his blood, but since he has a great phone camera he has been using it more than he used to. Fun stuff.

        Liked by 1 person

      6. The Ma took a ton of photos with her iPhone and I was amazed how well it adjusts the lighting. Technically a lot of me photos from the trip should be edited. But I am lazy.
        x The Captain


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