Review Policy

Please note that due to other existing obligations, I be currently closed to new submissions until 2026.  Any requests will be deleted unread.  Happy reading and sailing!

Ahoy there me scribes and other scalawags!
If ye would like to send me a novel to review then please read below:

What I Enjoy Reading:
fantasy, sci-fi and/or young adult

Types of Books That May Be Accepted:
I accept ARCs, eARCs, galleys, and finished copies.  I am also a member of NetGalley and Edelweiss.

Where me review will be listed:

Foremost, I post here on me blog.  I also will post on me Goodreads account, on Amazon, and on Barnes and Noble.  If a book is sent to me by a publisher then I will email a copy of me review to their preferred account as well.  Please note that while me blog does not list ratings, I do rate novels on Goodreads, Amazon, and Barnes and Noble.

When me review will be listed:

I will usually review the book within a month of receiving it, if it is already released. For ARCs, I will post the review before their release date. I do not guarantee a review for every book if I didn’t enjoy it. I do not promise a review for every book I receive.

FTC Disclaimer (some legal stuff but note I am not an attorney):

Per the FTC regulations, please note that This Captain does receive books for review for free by publishers, authors, publicists, and third parties such as NetGalley and Edelweiss.  Each review received for free for review by one of the aforementioned will be credited as such at the beginning of the review post with the title of book, author, publisher, release date, ISBN, and source if possible.  This Captain also reviews other books that are either purchased or borrowed from a friend (that friend is usually a local library).  Every book review will be me honest opinions.  I do not accept or receive monetary compensation for my reviews.  All novels are considered to be received as gifts and are not to be considered compensation.

To submit ye request for a review or to ask yer questions write to:

thecaptainsquartersblog [at] gmail [dot] com

Happy sailing and reading!

2016 NetGalley Challenge100 Book ReviewsReviews Published80%