Ports for Plunder – The Booty Haul – I LOVE MURDERBOT!!!! (and other sparklies)

Ahoy there mateys!  The crew should know at this point that I LOVE MURDERBOT!!!  In fact, it be fair to say I be a bit obsessed.  I have read the four novellas in the series multiple times and have disciplined those crew members who have not yet met the Murderbot.  I consider know meself as the number one fan.  So when I found out there was going to be a full-length novel coming out on 5/5/2020 I was overjoyed.  So, of course, I was devastated when 75 days ago those scalawags at Tor.com rejected me request for an eArc.  Why Tor.com?  Why torture me so?  May is too long to wait!  I always knew I would get me hands on a copy come hell or high water EVEN if I had to wait until Cinco de May-O.  Then one of the crew became me salvation!  Because Matey Tammy @ Books,Bones,&Buffy offered to send me a copy because she be crafty enough to get TWO of the elusive Arcs.  ARRRRR!!!  And of course the First Mate was quick to send me a communique as soon as the goods arrived at his hideout.  Good timing because I needed some cheering up having been laid up in me bunk for over a week while visiting a new port far away.  Luckily it wasn’t the dreaded scurvy or the evil ship’s fever but rather something vile that the locals call “the flue.”  And then something else miraculous caught me eye when perusing the First Mate’s missive.  Something so wonderful that first thought was that “the flue” was clouding me brainpan . . .

Not only glorious Murderbot but two other unexpected pieces of gold!  The Zen Cho gem was another Tor.com eArc rejection (Why? Oh, Why?).  And the Sarah Gailey bauble had just been spotted on me radar!  Matey Tammy is deft at discoverin’ new ports and hidden possibilities.  She often be the first to know about things.  Good gossipmonger and spy she be.  Saavy, no?  So it be with great thanks and an extra ration of rum that I cheer Matey Tammy and her quick wits and excellent tactics.  ARRRR!!!

One can never have too much treasure.  Have any of me hearties read books off this list?  If so share yer comments or link to yer reviews.  Happy reading and sailing!

Side note:  Bother me while I be reading about the Murderbot and I shall run ye through with me cutlass!!  All hands stay on deck!  Arrrr!

x The Captain

34 thoughts on “Ports for Plunder – The Booty Haul – I LOVE MURDERBOT!!!! (and other sparklies)

      1. I read all four in a row, and then I reread the first one again. And then I got a cold which I blame on reading too late too many nights in a row 🙂 I look forward to the review!

        Liked by 1 person

      2. This series is such a comfort for me. I have reread all the novellas because they are short and bring me joy. I hope ye get a hold of the new novel as soon as it comes out and read it as soon as it lands in yer hands (or ereader). Arrr!
        x The Captain

        Liked by 1 person

  1. Murderbot is awesome, I agree! So glad you were able to get a copy from Tammy! I’m looking forward to Network Effect big time- it’ll be nice to have a full length story!!!


    1. I cannot believe that people think of me and send me books! I love the core group of book bloggers that I have. I really would like to meet y’all in person some day. When I was clearing out the hold, I sent a lot of books to other bloggers because I wanted them to have happy homes.
      x The Captain

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I accept your extra ration of rum! So glad the booty made it to you, Captain! And yes, I gleefully hid some extra surprises in the package because, who doesn’t love surprises??😉 Enjoy!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ye be the bestest and most awesome person! I love extra surprises like that. This was such a rough month for me and it is nice to be ending it on a high note. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you!! Arrrr!
      x The Captain


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