Ports for Plunder – 19 Books in 2019

Ahoy there me mateys!  As me crew is aware, this Captain be moody about all things but especially what ports to plunder at any given time.  But good adventures sometimes require the right and proper plannin’ for success.  I have been hearin’ the crew talk about certain ports for forever and they keep askin’ me why they haven’t been visited yet.  So ye nattering, raving scalawags, I have decided to take a gander on something new.  I hereby me making a list of 19 ports for plunder (i.e. books to be read list for ye landlubbers) that I have to pillage in this here New Year.  I will still read based on me mood but come hell or high water I shall visit these ports in 2019.

Side note: the book covers come from Goodreads and ye can click on them to add the books to yer own Goodreads’ Ports for Plunder List.  Arrrr!

So here be the particulars:

So there ye have it, the 19 books for 2019. Of course I do hope to read more than 19 books total this year. Hardy har har!

x The Captain

47 thoughts on “Ports for Plunder – 19 Books in 2019

      1. Would you believe me if I said all of them? Lol- The Bees, which I’d heard of and forgotten, The Ship, The Rift, and The Wolf Road… and The Sparrow And Nine Fox Gambit (which are both already on my list) and I’ve already read Circe and loved it.

        Really- fantastic picks. Have you read any of them yet? I’ll have to go see if I can dig up your reviews.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. So glad me list appeals to ye! I have read ten of them. The review for the night circus is scheduled for the 23rd. But if ye read the review for the rift, all of the others are linked on it.
        x The Captain

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  1. Ooooh, Circe and The Night Circus are excellent choices for ports of call! Wild Beauty is a good book, too. Have you read other books by Anna-Marie McLemore, or will this be your first read of hers?

    The cover for Falcons of Fire and Ice caught my eye. I don’t think I’ve heard of that one before… Ooooh, and part of it takes place in Iceland! ❤ I might have to check this one out!

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    1. Glad to hear more love for circe and night circus. I read McLemore’s when the moon was ours and adored it so this be the next book of hers to check out.

      The falcons book is what first caught me eye but libraries only had the owl killers so I read that first. The owl killers was bizarre and awesome. So then I gave in and bought the falcons one. In fact in looking at her website to double check the title, she has tons of books I wasn’t aware of. The ports of plunder list just got longer. Eeeek. Erm. Arrr! Lovely comment matey.
      x The Captain

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  2. Some great destinations ye have there cap’n! I’d be interested in seeing what ye think of the Night Circus. Oh I had a good time there. Got so swept up that I couldna tell if it was real or not. Good times, cap’n, good times. I hope the same happens to you.

    And I’ll be looking into the Paladin of Souls too this year. It’s about time I return to Chalion, if that’s set there too.

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    1. I be excited about me list so far. I have already read one book off the list. I am still pondering on what I think of it.

      And I am so excited for the Night Circus. I so hope it lives up to the hype! I think it will based on the crew’s glee about it.

      As for Chalion, I am looking forward to it. I just can’t decide if I should reread the first or not. Decisions, decisions.

      Hope all yer reading in 2019 floats yer boat! Arrr!
      x The Captain

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  3. Great list! I hope you like To Say Nothing of the Dog, but IIRC you are a fan of Willis so I think that one’s a fairly safe bet. I think it’s my favorite of her books that I’ve read so far.

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    1. I am waiting to read that until I have time to sit, ignore the world, and savour. I don’t want to rush it because I do think it is going to be stellar! Ye are the one who reminded me to read it after all 🙂
      x The Captain


    1. I haven’t read many reviews of the sparrow. I picked it up in a used book store several years ago for a steal. Then it sat. I do think it deserves to be read. Glad to hear that ye liked this one. Re-reading the synopsis made me excited all over again!
      x The Captain


    1. I do think I am in the minority with blood and bone. I just finished it and I didn’t like most of it. Sad but true. I am still thinking through it enough to write a review. And the lie tree was also another that has made me think. I didn’t mean to read two books on the list so quickly but the holds on the library came through so it was time! Thanks for the comment matey!
      x The Captain

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