Shiver me Timbers! The 2024 Nebula Winners – The Conclusion!

Ahoy there me mateys!  The Nebula Winners have been announced!  Let’s see how I did.  I be using the list as published on the SWFA website with links to me reviews where applicable.  The winners are listed in bold.  In most categories I have ranked the works by order of personal enjoyment.  A reminder that I only be tracking the categories of specific interest to me.  They be:

Best Novel

Thoughts:  In reviewing this list again, I am reminded at how much I had problems with every nominee.  All of the novels I read did not seem like they should be nominees.  And the winner was listed third in my preferences only because I didn’t’ finish the other two.  I am dissatisfied here on many levels.

Best Novella

Thoughts:  I loved every novella on this list (that I read) and so ranking them is a matter of degree.  Seriously, I can see why every one is a nominee.  The winner is not my first choice but I can see how it can be another reader’s first pick.

Best Novelette (click HERE to read my reviews and click on links to read the stories for free)

Thoughts:  They made the right choice.

Best Short Story (click HERE to read my reviews and click on links to read the stories for free)

Thoughts:  They made the right choice.

The Andre Norton Nebula Award for Middle Grade and Young Adult Fiction

  • (3)To Shape a Dragon’s Breath, Moniquill Blackgoose (Del Rey)
  • The Inn at the Amethyst Lantern, J. Dianne Dotson (Android)
  • Liberty’s Daughter, Naomi Kritzer (Fairwood)
  • (4) The Ghost Job, Greg Van Eeckhout (Harper)

Thoughts: Seriously, ugh. I was not enamored with the Blackgoose book which made dragons rather boring.  I hated the Van Eeckhout book.  The other two sound much more fun and they are still on the ports for plunder list.

So there ye have it.  Me Nebula thoughts.  Til next year.  In the meantime

Always remember:

Q: How much did the pirate pay for his peg leg and hook?

A: An arm and a leg.

Hardy har har!

x The Captain

4 thoughts on “Shiver me Timbers! The 2024 Nebula Winners – The Conclusion!

  1. Oh, no. Now I need to read A Saint of Bright Doors, I guess. I somehow am not very drawn to the description of the story. So tired of books about doors… I do have The Terraformers on my list, and I like The Witch King, but where is the GREAT SPACE OPERA that I long for?


  2. Great post. Ever since the recent debacle with the Hugos I think I want to pay more attention to the Nebula Awards. I might try to go through some of these. The Terraformers is one of my fav books from last year so I’m happy to see it nominated! And as I have been trying to be more open minded about short stories (not a format I love) maybe starting with nominees is a good idea. 🙂


  3. I read some of the blurbs, but none of them inspire me to pick them up. The Terraformers was the only one I seriously considered.


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