Here be Dragons On the Horizon – the fireborne blade (Charlotte Bond)

Ahoy there me mateys!  I received this fantasy eARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.  So here be me honest musings . . . .

Title: the fireborne blade
Author: Charlotte Bond
Publisher: Tor Publishing Group –
Publication Date: TOMORROW!!! (hardcover / e-book)
ISBN: 978-1250290311
Source: NetGalley

This novella is very weird and I enjoyed it immensely.  The awesome cover got me.  Be aware that it is the first in a series with a twist ending that I found a bit abrupt but ultimately fun.

The main character of the story is Maddileh, a female knight in a misogynistic world.  She is disgraced and to win back her place must obtain a magical blade and kill the White Lady dragon.  The dragons are fierce and deadly.  I loved the way the dragon magic worked and how scary their lairs were.  I loved Maddileh and was rooting for her.

The Demise and Demesne of Dragons is the name of a scholarly book dealing with dragons and written by mages.  These short tales were interspersed throughout the novella.  I wasn’t sure what to think of them at first but they grew on me and I found many of them to be funny.  A lot of the world-building comes from these sections.

This book was described as a Sapphic romance.  There is not a lot of focus on this element.  Perhaps in the next book.  I am interested in finding out what happens next!  Arrr!

Goodreads has this to say about the novella:

Kill the dragon. Find the blade. Reclaim her honor.

It’s that, or end up like countless knights before her, as a puddle of gore and molten armor.

Maddileh is a knight. There aren’t many women in her line of work, and it often feels like the sneering and contempt from her peers is harder to stomach than the actual dragon slaying. But she’s a knight, and made of sterner stuff.

A minor infraction forces her to redeem her honor in the most dramatic way possible, she must retrieve the fabled Fireborne Blade from its keeper, legendary dragon the White Lady, or die trying. If history tells us anything, it’s that “die trying” is where to wager your coin.

Maddileh’s tale contains a rich history of dragons, ill-fated knights, scheming squires, and sapphic love, with deceptions and double-crosses that will keep you guessing right up to its dramatic conclusion. Ultimately, The Fireborne Blade is about the roles we refuse to accept, and of the place we make for ourselves in the world.

To visit the author’s website go to:
Charlotte Bond – Author

To buy the book go to:
the firebourne blade – Book

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