Shiver me Timbers! – ME LIFE IN BOOKS TAG (2019)


Because I wanted to do something silly to celebrate the end of the year and other crew members’ posts for this have been entertaining me.

I’ve been seeing this tag around  (check out these recent posts from Mateys RachelLauraNaty, and Callum) and I love the idea of it! It’s a fun way to look back at what we’ve read this year, with a bit of humor mixed in.

The rules are simple: Using only books you have read this year, answer these questions. Try not to repeat a book title.

Side note: click on the book title to read me review of it!

In high school I was: a robot in the garden

People might be surprised by: a boy and his dog at the end of the world

I will never be: beyond the bright sea

My fantasy job is: they call me the cat lady

At the end of a long day I need: the ship

I hate: her silhouette, drawn in water (liked the book though!)

I Wish I had: use of weapons

My family reunions are:  house of assassins

At a party you’d find me with: certain dark things

I’ve never been to: the blue castle

A happy day includes: all systems red

Motto I live by: let’s pretend this never happened

On my bucket list is: the hallowed hunt

In my next life, I want to have: the soul of an octopus

If you’d like to give this a shot, consider yourself tagged!  Arrrrrr!

And with that goodbye 2019.  May 2020 be so much better.  Happy reading and sailing!

x The Captain

22 thoughts on “Shiver me Timbers! – ME LIFE IN BOOKS TAG (2019)

    1. Thanks matey! Have ye joined her monthly book club? I didn’t officially but I did read the first book. It was awesome. Hope yer doing well. Still want more of yer short story and Merlin photos.
      x The Captain


  1. I love the idea of such an amusing way to end the reading year, Cap. As ever, you do it in style:)). I love the idea of you being a robot in the garden at school…


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