The Captain’s Log – home (Nnedi Okorafor)

Ahoy there me mateys!  Yesterday I reviewed binti, the first novella in the series.  It was so good I had to immediately read the second one.  If ye haven’t read the first book then ye might want to skip this post and go read me review of that one.  If ye keep reading this log then ye have been forewarned and continue at yer own peril . . .

This was a great second installment.  In this novella, Binti goes home to see her parents and family for the first time since leaving them without any warning a year ago.  We get to see Binti continue to struggle to come to terms with her new role in the family.  She continues to defy gender norms and expectations handed down to her from birth.  As she changes and grows she has to make decisions about if she will accept the consequences of her choices in order to find her own destiny.

The world-building and characterization continue to be exquisite.  The exploration of tribal life and modernity continue to be explored.  It was another quick read.  I will certainly be reading the last novella in the series once I get ahold of it.  Arrr!

Check out me other crew members effusive reviews:

amanda @ cover to cover mom

bradley @ goodreads

matthew quann @ goodreads

Goodreads has this to say about the novel:

It’s been a year since Binti and Okwu enrolled at Oomza University. A year since Binti was declared a hero for uniting two warring planets. A year since she abandoned her family in the dawn of a new day.

And now she must return home to her people, with her friend Okwu by her side, to face her family and face her elders.

But Okwu will be the first of his race to set foot on Earth in over a hundred years, and the first ever to come in peace.

After generations of conflict can human and Meduse ever learn to truly live in harmony?

To visit the author’s website go to:

Nnedi Okorafor – Author

To buy the book go to:

home – Book

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Previous Log Entries for this Author

binti – book 1 (Captain’s Log – Sci-Fi)

16 thoughts on “The Captain’s Log – home (Nnedi Okorafor)

  1. I am generally not a fan of novellas – too many tend to end rather abruptly, but it’s heartening to hear that this one seems to be absolutely spot on. Thank you for sharing this one, Cap:)


      1. I follow over 300 blogs and had a backlog of 18 days that I just this morning got to zero. People tell me that I should just delete the old ones but I am crazy and have to read all the ones that I find interesting. It does feel good to have caught up on everyone’s posts. Now I am trying to catch up on all of the comments 🙂
        x The Captain

        Liked by 1 person

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